How to Go Back to Productivity Basics (Before Embracing That Shiny New App)
One simple piece of paper really can replace overwhelm with peace

Comparisons can help to illuminate the shadows — especially those cast by the enormous number of productivity tools twirling their shimmery UX skirts before our insatiable eyes these days.
In this article, I’ll compare productivity tools with a chef’s cleaver, explore the hollow spectre of overwhelm, and show you how I beat it by going back to productivity basics. I believe that simplifying the tools you use — at least for a time — can be the best way to recalibrate your way to a sense of peaceful, realistic control.
Too Much, Too Soon
“Too much, too soon” is my 4-word definition of overwhelm. I’m not qualified to talk about the psychology behind it, but I am supremely qualified to comment on my own experience of being in various stages of overwhelm. From ghosting someone I’m supposed to report to, to stress-induced throwing up from both ends, I’ve been there and come out the other side.
Before getting into specifics, allow me to repeat the allegory …